Can’t afford a new snowmobile? Boost has answers: How to get an affordable snowmobile that works for you.

Canadians have access to arguably some of the best snowmobiling in the world. Snowmobiles have been used across the country for almost one hundred years. It’s a popular winter pastime and a means of transportation for many. That being said, it can be as expensive or as affordable as you want to make it! You can spend upwards of $25,000 or more on a top-of-the-line machine or you can spend considerably less on the used market depending on the age, size and condition of the machine. The season is coming up fast and browsing online can sometimes be overwhelming, but don’t let that make you think a snowmobile is out of your reach. A great winter full of snowmobiling is in reach for all Canadians, no matter your situation. Boost has answers you can trust on how to get an affordable sled that works for you THIS year!

Prioritizing Needs vs Wants

When purchasing a snowmobile there is a lot to think about and like most major purchases it is key to start off by weighing your needs versus your wants. Needs are necessary things or deal breakers that break down to WHY you’re purchasing. Needs should always be taken into consideration first when looking for the right machine. Prioritizing these needs ahead of your wants, the nice extras we all seek, is hard, but doing so will ultimately help you filter out some features that may have otherwise put a sled over your budget.

 Snowmobiles are configured in many ways for sport, leisure and even winter farming and transportation. Knowing exactly what you need and what you’re going to be doing with the machine could lower your cost and may also help you get more of your wants. Looking at sleds more suited for leisure over ones more suited for sport could allow you to get some of your extras while still being everything you need it to be. Properly weighing your needs versus your wants will make for an easier decision and set expectations for you and your future snowmobile.

Brand Research

Now that your needs and wants are in order you can start to match those up to find the best brand and snowmobile out there for you. If you’re not yet loyal to a brand or already have that trusted snowmobile family member or friend, it is important to be thorough in your research as this will help you find something in your budget, but could also save you money in the future.

Using as many resources and talking to as many people as possible will only help in giving you a clearer picture of what brand is meant for you. It is important not to rush this aspect so you don’t  have any regrets down the road. Personal experience of family and friends is important because, if anything, it can give you an idea of what brands you might want to stay away from. Their experience can give some insight on the good and the bad and help save you from making the same mistakes. Yamaha and Polaris might have a snowmobile in your budget but if Arctic Cat has one in your budget but also has a local option for service and repair, it could narrow down your field of choices and save you money in the long run. Sufficient brand research will bring an overall comfort with your decision and help you make the best affordable choice for you.

If you want to start your research today, check out our blog on Which Snowmobile Brand is Best

Buying New vs Used         

This is why you bugged your friends and family and did the research. So when the time comes you can make a confident decision regardless of whether the machine is new or used. There’s no wrong answer here but the general rule of thumb is that a new snowmobile will tend to cost more upfront and have less worries in the beginning, while a used one will cost less but could come with a higher possibility of maintenance and repair depending on how hard the snowmobile was driven and how well it was maintained by its previous owner. Having someone who can or knowing how to do maintenance or repair on your own can make this decision easier and make owning a snowmobile more affordable. The rest of your decision will be determined by your budget and what works best for you.

Know Your Budget

 No one else can determine your budget for you. It’s different for everyone and really comes down to what you’re comfortable with or what your situation allows for. Make sure to calculate your monthly expenses and decide on a realistic number you can afford every month that doesn’t overextend your budget. We want to add fun to your life, not stress. Whatever choice you make, from there we can decide together what actual snowmobile works best for you and your budget.

Financing Your Snowmobile

Buying a brand-new snowmobile right off the showroom floor would certainly be lovely but that isn’t always an option. Financing your snowmobile and paying it off over time can help you both prepare for the future and live in the moment, affordably. It will build your credit and help you to enjoy and get more out of the long winter months. Monthly payments on your snowmobile can allow you to have some fun without depleting your savings by buying outright. That is the beauty of financing, you can let the snowmobile make the decision rather than having to choose a dealership over the option of a private sale.

When you find that hidden gem on marketplace Boost will be there. Whether you decide to buy from a dealer or a private party, Boost is here with simple, fast and trusted financing options even if your credit score and history are not ideal. Boost has financing solutions that will work for you.

So next time you think you can’t afford that snowmobile, remember Boost. Affordable is within your reach, regardless of your situation, if you consider your needs before your wants, do your research and stick to your budget. Don’t miss out on another season of fun when you don’t have to. Ask about financing your new snowmobile today!

If you’re curious about how to get financing done faster, check out our other article with Tips For Fast Financing


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